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to construct huge json data simply.

Appendix.1 Errors

sys.exit by each index.

errors = ['OK',
            'sheets link not found.', 'schema not found.', # 1, 2
            'root sheet not found.', 'Unrecognized item type were found.', # 3, 4
            'Unknown accumulator!', 'Output json has failed.', # 5, 6
            'Unsupported table filetype found.', 'setting yaml file not found']

Appendix 2. Help

$ -h
usage: [-h] [-v] [-e {python built-in codec}]  ...

generate complex structure JSON with analyzing META descripted file.

positional arguments:
    initialize (init, i)
                        create formated workbook template.
    generate (gen, g)   generate analyzed files as TEXT from META descritor
                        file. (e.g., Excel)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -e {python built-in codec}, --encoding {python built-in codec}
                        Set default charactor encode. When not set this, it is
                        treated as "utf-8". see also.

# initialize subcommand help
$ init -h
usage: initialize [-h] [-tx [path/to/outputfile.xlsx]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -tx [path/to/outputfile(.xlsx)], --template_xlsx [path/to/outputfile(.xlsx)]
                        This is an initialize helper option. Generate template
                        xlsx file based on same filename.yaml. **And if you
                        set this, other options are ignored.** will be

# generate subcommand help
$ gen -h
usage: generate [-h] [-v] [-i [path/to/inputfile]]
                                       [-hr tabsize] [-r [sheetname]]
                                       [-o [path/to/outputfile.json]]
                                       [-of [(csv | tsv):path/to/outputdir]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -i [path/to/inputfile], --input [path/to/inputfile]
                        Set path/to/input xlsx filename.
  -hr tabsize, --human_readable tabsize
                        set indent size by numeric value, Output humanreadable
                        json files.
  -r [sheetname], --root_sheet [sheetname]
                        set a sheetname in xlsx book have. construct json tree
                        from the sheet as root item. "root" is Default root
                        sheet name.
  -o [path/to/outputfile(.json)], --output [path/to/outputfile(.json)]
                        Output interpreted json. If this set which endswith
                        ".json" as set full filename, output jsonfile treated
                        as the name. But when not set ".json", adopt original
                        xlsx filename, like
                        path/to/outputfile/[source_METAFile_name].json (-o has
                        special filename "-" as STDOUT, and when set like "-o
                        -", all other stdout messages were masked.)
  -of [(csv | tsv):path/to/outputdir], --output_format [(csv | tsv):path/to/outputdir]
                        Output with the format, If you set this, output
                        formfiles to
                        It'll be recommended, if you want to have
                        communication with non Tech team without any

Appendix 3. MindMap

mindnode(ja only)